Friday, August 17, 2012

Yesterday's Answer

Yesterday's Answer:

Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of Frankenstein author Mary Shelley, wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Men," in response to Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France". 

Thank You!

Thank you to all who've shown an interest in this page. My schedule has changed such that I need to put this on hold for a while. Have a nice day,

(Source: American Mensa, email transmission, August 14, 2012)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

St. Augustine's (Florida), is the oldest, continuously occupied city, founded by European settlers, in the continental United States. 

Today's Question:

Name the woman, who in response to Edmund Burke's, "Reflections on the Revolution in France," wrote, "A  Vindication of the Rights of Men" and later gave birth to Mary Shelley, the author of "Frankenstein".

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 13, 2012;

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

In Uncle Tom's Cabin, Eliza crossed the Ohio River, with her child in her arms, by hopping from one ice cake to another.

Today's Question:

Name the oldest continuously occupied city, settled by Europeans, in the continental United States, and the state in which it is located.

My guess would be New Amsterdam (New York City) in New York, but that's just a guess. 

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 12, 2012;

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

The ethnicity of Cleopatra is Greek.

Today's Question:

What body of water did Eliza cross by leaping barefoot from one ice cake to the next with her child in her arms in, Uncle Tom's Cabin?

I have yet to read this one.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 11, 2012;

Friday, August 10, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer: 

James Baldwin wrote, "Go Tell It On The Mountain," and, "Giovanni's Room"?

Today's Question:

What was Cleopatra's ethnicity? 

I think Liz Taylor was white so... ...just kidding  :)

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 10, 2012:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

The word "Tesseract", a fourth dimensional conception of a cube, was coined by mathematician, Charles H. Hinton and was popularized in a children's book by author, Madeleine L'Engle.

Today's Question:

Who wrote, "Go Tell It On The Mountain," and, "Giovanni's Room."

I don't know this one.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 9, 2012;

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer: 

The Sagrada Familia is located in Barcelonia, Spain.

Today's Question:

What word was coined by mathmetician Charles H. Hinton and popularized by a children's book by Madeleine L'Engle.

I don't know.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 8, 2012;