Monday, April 18, 2011

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question...

Yesterday's Answer:

Johann Sebastian Bach was the composer of "The Well Tempered Clavier" and it was during the baroque period.

In all honesty I do not know what the baroque period was. However, today, I finally read that the Clavier refers to instruments such as the harpsichord and while I did not know the answer, Bach would have been my first guess. This is because the Brandenburg Concertos I-VI are among my favorite classical pieces. While my classical exposure is very limited, Bach's use of the harpsichord in these concertos is truly beautiful and sounds almost hauntingly so. When I listen to them to this day--they are very enjoyable, almost entrancing in their sound. I highly recommend the Brandenburg Concertos to anyone.

Today's Question:

What is the meaning of the acronym: MIRV?

This one stumps me completely, I might've been able to venture a guess but don't even know of the subject area.

Have a nice day, Trish

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