Saturday, June 11, 2011

As an Aside, here is an Ad from an Excellent Advocator

If you need your online reputation repaired I can help. It is a labor-intensive process but I am tenacious and will keep attacking the problem until it is gone. I have a number of strategies that I've learned through trial and error.
Whether you've been slandered, posted thoughts you wish you hadn't, been cyber-bullied or whatever, or "drunk-blogged", I want to help. If you think you're okay you should google your name and see what arises--some people are very surprised. 
One client had wrote something personally horrifying while heavily medicated and noticed 7 years later it was the first result for a search of their name! It took me a week or two to start burrying the entry by posting more substantial positive entries--entries that because of their design, were much more relevant to the search engines.
After 2 months the entry was on page 10 of google and page 6 of aol. Then, after talking to IT technicians from the ISPs for a week or two, repeatedly, I was able to remove the links and snippets from the client's name to the entries from those search engines, completely.
This is a labor-intensive undertaking and not cheap. It can invole site building and content-construction on a large scale. However I can accept payments that you need only make if you are continuuing to see results.
In other cases I have removed a single issue after 3 days of trying and that person's name became unmarred on an ongoing basis, to this day, for less than $100.00. That is a small price to pay to be able to prevent your career from being up-ended for the wrong reasons, to make sure judmental relatives do not learn private details of your life, or to make sure other children and/or their parents do not find "dirt" to harm and embarrass you or your children with.
If you've seen ugly results or at least results that others would judge unfairly regarding your name, if you are anxious about what could happen every day, or if you are afraid your kids could be harmed by you, unintentionally, and through no fault of their own then let me help. I'm a small operation, charge resonable fees, and have your welfare at heart. Other places make big promises, drain your bank accout and accomplish results that are lacking or only temporary. You do not know me but if you are in this predictament I sincerely want to take away your anxiety.
I am Otto Ladensack
Email anytime and you will almost always get a very fast return call or email.
I can also be reached at: (919) 349-7720

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