Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

Formication is the sensation that insects or snakes are crawling over the skin. That’d be enough to drive a Schizophrenic or someone with severe Delirium Tremens crazy.

This photo links to a great DTs scene from The Lost Weekend. Looks like they video taped their TV. If you find the original it's an excellent movie (comparable--not better) to Van Dyke's, The Morning After--the details have stuck with me since Health Class circa 1984.

Today's Question:

Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery is reserved for whose burial?

Don't know this one--maybe our new dead soldiers?

(Section: American Mensa, email transmission, September 4, 2011;;;;;;

Compiled by Otto and Patricia Ladensack

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