Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

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Yesterday's Answer:

Two major military conflicts that ended in 1453 were the Siege of Constantinople and The 100 Years War.

Today's Question:
The pseudo-official motto of the U.S. Postal Service, "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night..." was first written by whom?

Many of my "memories" are pre-conscious but I think this was coined by Ben Franklin.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, January 31. 2012;
www.deremilitari.org/resources/sources/constantinople3.htm; http://www.theotherside.co.uk/tm-heritage/background/100yearswar.htm; http://www.luminarium.org; http://www.cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/psychoanalysis/definitions/preconscious.html)

Compiled by Otto Ladensack with Patricia Ladensack

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