Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

In Celsius degrees, if the subtrahend is normal body temperature and the minuend is absolute zero, the difference between the numbers is -310. (-273 - 37 = -310)

Today's Question:

Under Article Two of the Constitution, what are the three principal qualifications to be eligible for election as President of the United States?

I don't know this one. I know that intelligence tests, taxes, and possibly land ownership were required at one point by racist predessecors to keep black people from voting but I think that came after the main document was written, with abolition, and I think that was only in some southern states. I believe though that initially one had to be 18 or some other age and male, but those are also guesses.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, August 6th, 2011;;;

Compiled by Otto Ladensack for Patricia Ladensack

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