Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yesterday's Answer, Today's Question.

Yesterday's Answer:

If you bounce three balls off a very rigid surface, one ball made entirely of glass, one of rubber and one of solid steel, which will bounce highest? The answer is steel, then glass, and then rubber.

I'm guessing the softer the material, the more energy is absorbed by the impact.

Today's Question:

Who is "Lucy"? Where was she born? Why is she important to paleoanthropologists?

I seem to recall Lucy is the earliest bi-ped remains that have been found, she is either 2 million or 3 million years old (I'm thinking 3). I'm almost certain she is from Africa and Ethiopia is coming to mind but my memory on this is sketchy.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, May 26,2011;;;

Compiled by Patricia and Otto Ladensack

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