Friday, May 27, 2011

Yesterday's Answer, Tomorrow's Question

Yesterday's Answer:

Lucy is the name given to a hominid (she was mostly bipedial) skeleton discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia. At the time, Lucy belonged to the oldest species in the line of human descent; she was estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago.

My understanding of anthropology is limited but what I've read suggests she is much the same as what is sometimes called, "the missing link" (a concept refuted here). I read she walked on two feet though she spent more time in the trees. She had a small brain but made tools for cutting up meat. Her brain size has been suggested as an indication that size is not directly related to intelligence level.

Today's Question:

In the New Testament, who was the woman from whom Jesus cast seven demons?

I do not know much detail of the Bible so I'll pass on this one.

(Sources: American Mensa, email transmission, May 27, 2011;;;

Compiled by Otto and Patricia Ladensack

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